Some thoughts at night part 4: Time being nonsensical…

This is 1 of those days were I just woke up and now can’t, or want to sleep because laying in bed for hours if you arn’t tired is obviously not going to work.
On the other hand I don’t understand why everything seems more complicated at night. I basically mean that at least for my part, I think a lot more, listen to more sad music or just music I used to listen to, and surely I’m more frustrated at night as well. Maybe that is normal though. Now the problem is, since I can still see light which actually isn’t a bad thing at all, I start getting tired when it gets dark in a natural way. I wouldn’t get tired if you’d just have a courtain to make it dark. and Since my head can get very filled up then this may become a problem, but meh. I can’t change it. The thing I still don’t understand why time has to be that brutal. Let’s be honest. The thing we mostly do is living. But really enjoying something? I feel like at least I for my part always have to wait. And when I could’ve been enjoying something more, I’m gonna miss it afterwards. Damn it why. Also, I shall probably try coming up with more productive stuff for this blog rather than putting down some nonsense but meh, its mine anyways.

4 responses to “Some thoughts at night part 4: Time being nonsensical…”

  1. I meant both the intensity and the colour of the light, with my right eye I’m able to recognise basic colours, in my left one I have light perception only.

  2. a color? Are you just visually impaired? Or did I got this wrong. Well what I can see is light, but that’s about it

  3. It’s normal, and since I can also see light, it’s always been harder for me to concentrate in the winter when the days are much shorter and darker.
    I’ve managed to fix that by getting a smart bulb so I can get a colour that keeps me alive while not hurting my sensitive eyes.

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