Welcome Jonathan

Today, I decided to add Jonathan as contributor of the blog. You may wonder why.
Well, here’s your answer. Since my let’s play section is kind of empty, he may help a little in this area, especially in german. A game that may await you is sound of magic. We look forward to bring you the new content!
Regards, Marc

Ich habe beschlossen, Jonathan auf meinem Blog willkommen zu heißen. Warum, äi was hat das für sinn?
Simpel. Um euch etwas mehr let’s plays auf dem Blog zu bieten haben wir beschlossen, das er diesen Blog etwas mit Inhalt, insbesondere Deutschem bereichern kann. In der vielleicht so gar nahen Zukunft könnt ihr euch schon mal auf sound of magic freuen, welches er dann hier für euch spielen wird!
Es grüßt, das deutsche Reich. Nein was? Marc! Tschuldige!

30 responses to “Welcome Jonathan”

  1. Hehehe yes we have been in concentration camps like Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, Rawensbrück so yeah.

  2. to, sad. I’m back now! 😮 wow its so weird touching the keyboard again, haven’t touched a pc in 8 days now and i’m impressed how weird this is.

  3. Perfect guys, Marc isn’t here, since a half week now. How about messing around with his blog! Do you have ideas or things you wanted to get changed? So tell it, now and here, its your chanze.

    Okay no, just kidding. I am only a bit bored and don’t know what else I could write. I know I am not funny.

  4. All right, I just want to give a little update what you can expect in the future of me. Well, I don’t know it untill yet. I guess you all know how it is to have way to much stress in your life, and I can’t find realy good times to record things in and also I don’t realy know what, but I wll try to start sound of magic if I have time, but that can take its time. Just for information, because maybe you ask yourself why actualy I am here and don’t do anything.

  5. I checked only now followed blogs, sorry!
    Und willkommen, Jonny, ich hoffe, du hast eine schöne Zeit hier

  6. English: Hi, well, I am Jonathan, and I am happy to be a contributor of this. I am not a typ of big words, so look on my account for mor information or simply, write me a pm. Thanks Marc that I can bee a contributor of this.
    Deutsch: Der Führer Dankt. Ne, schön das ich hier sein kann, mitmachen kann, und freut euch auf das was kommt.

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